The Ins and Outs of Selling Your Handmade Designs at a Wholesale Trade Show

The Ins and Outs of Selling Your Handmade Designs at a Wholesale Trade Show

So, you're thinking about taking the plunge and selling your amazing handmade goodies at a wholesale trade show? Been there, done that (and spilled a little paint along the way)! Let me tell you, it can be a fantastic way to get your name out there and land deals with cool stores. But before you dive in, here's the lowdown from a designer who's been in your shoes.

Why Wholesale Shows Rock

Trade shows are like giant meet-cutes for designers and stores! You get to showcase your creations directly to buyers who are actively looking for unique, handcrafted products like yours. It's way more efficient than pounding the pavement, that's for sure!

Finding the Perfect Show

Not all trade shows are created equal. Look for one that feels like a good fit for your style. Does it attract the kind of shops you dream of seeing your work in? Are the buyers there looking for indie, handmade stuff, or are they all about mass-produced widgets? Do a little research and pick a show with a good rep for quality vendors and happy buyers.



indie market craft show

Making Your Booth Shine

Okay, so you've found the perfect show. Now it's time to make your booth a showstopper! Think of it as your own little creative haven that highlights your designs in the best possible light. Think clear displays, easy-to-read price tags, and maybe even a sprinkle of your personality to make it pop.

Be a Networking Ninja

Trade shows are all about connections! Practice your pitch beforehand, have clear pricing information ready, and be prepared to chat with everyone from buyers to other vendors. You never know who you might meet, and sometimes the best deals come from unexpected conversations.

Building Lasting Bonds

Don't just focus on the immediate sale. These shows are a great chance to build relationships with potential buyers and fellow crafters. Exchange business cards, follow up with interested stores, and maybe even swap tips with your booth neighbors (free moral support is a bonus!).

The Extra Stuff Matters

Some shows go the extra mile to make things awesome for vendors. Free coffee? Heck yeah! Comfy seating for weary feet? Absolutely! Look for shows that offer these little perks – they can make a big difference in your overall experience.

By picking the right show, being prepared, and rocking a friendly, professional vibe, you can turn wholesale trade shows into a launchpad for your creative business. So go forth, conquer those booths, and show the world what you're made of


leather card cases at indie market



Other than pounding the pavement going door-to-door to boutiques, in-person events like this trade show are the most effective tactic for getting a company's name out there. 

handbag booth vegan bags at Indie Market

 crystalyn kae and Adia of Rain City Forge at Indie Market Bay Area wholesale show



     the potting shed in fairfax picked up our recycled leather headphone tacos and card cases

     craneway pavillion windows with flock of pelicans flying by

    Special thanks go to:

    •  Helen of Cookie & the Dude for carpooling, yummy lentil salad (recipe please?) and morning prosecco
    • Adia, of Rain City Forge my new favorite neighbor (for life?). her kindness, and chill and sense of humor made it all the more enjoyable
    • Liz at Stocklist Goods who flew down from Tacoma, WA to walk the show.  (and introducedus to Animal Instincts SF one of our newest stores!)
    • Jaimie and Alec for their generous hospitality (and overnight oatmeal. . .gotta get that recipe!)

    and the countless bay area stores who came to discover independent designers and makers in a venue with the BEST VIEWS and the coolest show organizers around.



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